


俄亥俄现代中文学校(OCCS)成立于1994年,是面向公众的、持有IRS501C3资质、由义务工作人员运行的非盈利机构。OCCS在过去20多年中, 致力于为俄亥俄州中部地区的提供高质量,低学费的华文教育。自建校以来,俄亥俄现代中文学校是家长拥有,义工运作,依靠社区和广大华人华侨无私奉献,才取得今日的成就。为进一步提升中文教育水准、活跃华人社区活动,我们欢迎各界继续支持学校的华文教育事业

Founded in 1994, Ohio Contemporary Chinese School (OCCS) is a volunteer-based, nonprofit, nonpolitical, and nonreligious organization promoting better understanding of eastern and western cultures by language, culture exchange programs. It oversees a weekend Chinese language and culture school program which attracts children and adults of different ethnic groups who are interested in learning Chinese and Chinese culture. As a nonprofit school, OCCS has been keeping the tuition low in order to provide the affordable education opportunities on Chinese language and culture to most families. Please help and support Chinese school for its friendly and dynamic educational and cultural programs. Your support matters!

OCCS is committed to diversity and inclusion free from all forms of discrimination and harassment as outlined by federal, state, or local laws.